
Xuzhou Lige Metal Material Co., Ltd.

Xuzhou Lippu Metallurgical Materials Co., Ltd.

Contact hotline:+86-0516-83248017


Lige specializes in the development, production and sales of series of auxiliary materials required for aluminum and aluminum alloy processing


Product advantages

Specializing in the development, production and sales of series of auxiliary materials required for aluminum and aluminum alloy processing.

Technical advantages

In the national auxiliary material industry: advanced technology, excellent equipment, outstanding sales.

Frontier advantage

With the concerted efforts of our colleagues, we must live up to the expectations of all walks of life, fast and high quality.

service advantage

Serve users sincerely, create high-quality products and provide comprehensive pre-sales and after-sales one-stop service.


Lige specializes in the development, production and sales of series of auxiliary materials required for aluminum and aluminum alloy processing


Lige specializes in the development, production and sales of series of auxiliary materials required for aluminum and aluminum alloy processing

COPYRIGHT Xuzhou Lige Metal Material Co., Ltd.


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