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What are the characteristics of refining agent products
release time:2020-08-13 17:20:02      The number of clicks:418

With the rapid development of social economy, especially in the process of industrial construction, various white powder or granular fluxes are used. Among them, the refining agent plays an important role in the process of metal smelting. You will find that the functional characteristics of the refining agent products are more obvious, which are mainly made from a variety of inorganic salts after drying treatment in a certain proportion. Then, do you know what the characteristics of the refining agent products are?

First of all, we must know that a variety of refining agents are used in the industrial production process, and the superior performance of the refining agent products is more obvious. It is mainly used to clear the hydrogen and floating oxide slag in the aluminum liquid, which can make aluminum The liquid becomes more pure and has the effect of a slag cleaning agent. The characteristic of the whole refining agent product is that it has relatively good stability and is easy at high temperature. The gas produced will undergo hydrogen reaction and can overflow from the solution. It plays an important role in the aluminum alloy smelting process.

You will find that the application range of refining agent products is still relatively wide, especially in the smelting of aluminum alloy and pure aluminum smelting. At the same time, you also need to understand its use method. You can evenly sprinkle the entire refining agent product into the aluminum liquid, quickly press it into the aluminum liquid, stir it and let it stand for slag removal, and then use inert gas to remove the refining agent. It is better to spray into molten aluminum.

You should understand clearly what are the characteristics of refining agent products? When many large and small enterprises smelt aluminum products, you must understand the method of use, and pay attention to the amount. The amount of the entire refining agent product is about 0.3% of the weight of the aluminum liquid. The higher the purity of the aluminum liquid, you can Add more refining agent as appropriate. In addition, when packaging and storing, you should pay attention to dry storage.

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